Men, 3.5 and up 🔗
- Sub in first month to verify skill level or recommendation of 2 members
- Plays Year-Round
- Schedules matches Monday through Saturday
- Players of similar skill level are paired together for matches. The large roster provides fun and competitive play at all skill levels
- Request courts for NORTH/SOUTH/ANY at 8:00 am
- Approximately 50 to 60 active players during season, 20 to 25 during the summer months
- Due to team size it is easy to get subs when needed
- Group Objective: *Competitive, Social
Men, 3.5 and up, 🔗
The Players group offers fun and competitive matches. New members play at about a 3.5 level and are mobile on the court. Our members have fun!
- Prospective players sub-in to matches the first month to verify fit and skill level
- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, December to May
- Players of similar skill are paired together for matches when ever possible
- Request courts for ANY at 9:30 am
- Approximately 25 to 35 active players during season
- Group Objective: Competitive, Social
Men, x.x, 🔗
Contact group coordinator to apply
- Sunday afternoon, January, February, March only
- Approximately 25 to 35 active players
- Group Objective: tbd
Men, x.x 🔗
Contact group coordinator to apply
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday in season
- Request courts for x:xx am and ??? courts
- Approximately 25 to 35 active players during season
- Group Objective: tbd